Yoohoo! The ONLINE FRESH date sample box is back! The ONLINE FRESH date is a brilliant tool for acquiring customers easily – and allows you to provide personal customer care despite the physical separation. With the free vouchers for the ONLINE FRESH date sample box, we offer your participants the chance to discover the RINGANA products with all of their senses during the ONLINE FRESH date.
ONLINE FRESH sample box

Contains: 1x FRESH tooth oil sample, 1x FRESH hand balm sample, 1x FRESH body milk sample, 1x RINGANAchi_ (1 unit) & 1 sachet COMPLETE d-eat
We bet you’re asking yourself how your customers
can lay their hands on our-new
ONLINE FRESH date sample box?
ONLINE FRESH date voucher, Set of 8
It’s easy: From 11.02.2021 you can get an 8-pack of ONLINE FRESH date vouchers in the Partner Shop for only € 65 | £ 58,50.* The new edition includes 8 free vouchers* for the ONLINE FRESH date sample box. As of now you will be sent these free vouchers by e-mail in the shape of a PDF, together with confirmation of your order. You can then send on the vouchers to your customers ahead of the ONLINE FRESH date by Messenger, e-mail or text message. So easy!
How it works:
1. Make sure you send the voucher code out to your guests in good time, before the ONLINE FRESH date by e-mail, text message, Messenger, etc.
2. Your guest registers** punctually on www.ringana.com before the ONLINE FRESH date and orders a free ONLINE FRESH date sample box, using the voucher code.
3. The customer receives their free package from RINGANA with no postal charges before the ONLINE FRESH date. (Please make note of shipping times)
4. Discover the contents of the ONLINE FRESH date sample box together during the ONLINE FRESH date***.
*Only while stocks last!
** Your customers can redeem their voucher codes until 30.04.2021 at www.ringana.com. When a Partner gives out the vouchers this cannot be in exchange for any compensation (financial or non-financial). Registering to attend an ONLINE FRESH date is not considered to be compensation.